Hallway chat led to rescue of driver's license bill - Los Angeles Times
The backstory behind the quick revival of a California bill proposing
driver's licenses for unauthorized immigrants, which appeared dead last
Thursday morning after its sponsor backed off. The bill cleared both
houses of state legislature Thursday night.
Bill would let undocumented immigrants be lawyers - San Francisco Chronicle
On the speedy introduction and passage of AB 1024, hastily cobbled
together after the California Supreme Court recently heard the case of
Sergio Garcia, a law school graduate who can't practice law because he's
spent years waiting for his green card but doesn't have it yet.
Immigrants lacking papers work legally - as their own bosses - Los Angeles Times While
federal law prohibits employers from hiring unauthorized immigrants,
they can legally employ themselves if they create a limited liability
company or become independent contractors. For some, especially those
who are college-educated, this has become one way to earn a living.
A dream derailed for former poster child for immigration reform - Tampa Bay Times The
story of Juan Gomez, who became a rallying point for advocates in 2007
as a teen when he was nearly deported to Colombia. After a successful
campaign to keep him in the U.S., he won a scholarship to Georgetown
University and landed a good job. But he became stuck in a backlog for a
new work permit for deferred action. Unable to work, he left the
country last month.
Miss America crowns 1st winner of Indian descent - CNN
Nina Davuluri, whose father emigrated from India 30 years ago, has been
crowned the first Miss America of Indian descent. She played it up
during the talent contest with a performance of "classic Indian dances
fused with Bollywood moves." But her win wasn't devoid of hate-speech
comments online.